Robert E. McCulloch

Author: Leadership Intelligence Inc. |

Blog by Leadership Intelligence Inc.

Bob McCulloch is a strategic advisor and executive coach. Over the past 40 years, his clients have been private sector companies in a wide array of industries internationally – technology, health care, financial services, professional services, retail, distribution, manufacturing – as well as municipal, provincial, and federal levels in the public sector, and several not-for-profit organizations.

Bob’s primary focus is on the leaders of the organization, both individually and collectively. Through facilitation and coaching, they develop compelling vision and strategies for themselves and the organization, along with powerful initiatives that successfully implement those strategies.

He brings to the table the ability to facilitate diverse personalities, to synthesize disparate ideas generated in these facilitated sessions, and build consensus and commitment around the resulting powerful themes. The nature of the “business” doesn’t really matter – the strategic concepts are largely the same and related more to the nature of the human psyche.

Bob has helped leaders:

  • clearly and passionately define and articulate their vision for the future of their organizations, and themselves personally;
  • design, launch, and implement major strategic shifts in their businesses;
  • enhance cross-divisional and cross-disciplinary collaboration in multifaceted organizations to achieve remarkable results;
  • build leadership capability through state-of-the-art leadership development programs; and
  • through coaching, build their own capability to take on new and higher level challenges.

In addition to this advisory/facilitating/coaching capability, Bob brings his “business-building” experience. In the 1980s, he founded the DMR Institute at DMR Group (now Fujitsu Consulting), a separate nationally-based business unit that designed, developed, and delivered leadership and professional development programs for DMR clients and internal audiences, while also provided corporate strategy facilitation and support for DMR clients worldwide.